zeus-altar-cc-slimnastics.jpg A year ago, when I posted a video of Fred Mittle of Young@Heart singing Fix You by Cold Play, I was aware that I was entering a crucial Saturnian period in my life. Not only was I in the midst of a 2 year Saturn period via Fidaria, but transiting Saturn in its detriment, was hanging out in one of my angular houses and hitting a number of personal planets by hard aspect. Etc. But I did not expect that a whole year would go by without a single post, even though Saturn is about slowness, halting and yes, even reversals.

But all that is over, I am now in a Jupiter Fidaria (woo hoo!), transiting Saturn is in a Succedent house, and well, the world out there seems a lot more interesting…as I scroll the astrological ‘net, I notice a few things out there that I am looking forward to having some fun with.

Fun being the operative word! To that Jupiterian end, I have taken the liberty of “rectifying” my nome de Blog from daimones to Sunrunner.

(Photo credit: Foundations of Alter to Zeus at Pergamon from Sacred Destinations)